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Oil Fund Out Of Alcohol Industry

Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien, Oslo, Norway Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien, Oslo, Norway, United States

Launching event
FORUT - solidarity action for development, the development organization of our Norwegian IOGT International members - welcomes to a report release and campaign launch.
The program consists of a number of expert contributions as well as a debate about Norwegian investments in the alcohol industry and how these investments go contrary to the ambition of an effective development policy. The campaign "Oil fund out of the alcohol industry" and the report by COWI conclude that the ethical challenges that come with investments in the alcohol industry are at least as big as with the tobacco industry. The campaign's message is that the 80 billion NOK investments by the Norwegian oil fund in the global alcohol industry are in fact harmful for global public health, global development and the long-term yields of the pension fund...