Russia is attributing the sharp decline in alcohol deaths due to the unseasonably warm winter. Deaths from alcohol poisoning in January 2020 was down by 37.3% from January 2019 in Russia according to Russia’s National Center for Alcohol Policy Development…

Russia: Alcohol Deaths Decline Due To Warm Winter

Russia is attributing another sharp decline in alcohol deaths due to the unseasonably warm winter.

Deaths from alcohol poisoning in January 2020 declined by 37.3% compared to January 2019 according to Russia’s National Center for Alcohol Policy Development.

The past winter was the mildest in Russia since 1891. According to the consumer protection union, the mild weather likely played a major role in the drop in deaths. Union leader Pavel Shapkin said there is a direct correlation between an increase in temperatures and a decline in alcohol consumption.

An average 10-degree temperature rise above normal reduces the burden of alcohol on the population’s health by the same 10 degrees,” said Pavel Shapkin, Union Leader, as per The Moscow Times.

As a result, the negative outcomes of alcohol consumption have dramatically decreased.”

As Movendi International reported last year, strong alcohol control policies in Russia led to a 43% decrease in alcohol consumption in the country. Due to reduced alcohol use, life expectancy has significantly improved in the country. The World Health Organization has commended the Russian government’s success in alcohol control.

Russia: Alcohol Control Policy Works

Source Website: The Moscow Times