Estonia: COVID-19 Rules for Alcohol Outlets Lifted
Estonia has lifted coronavirus-related rules for alcohol outlets in the country along with the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions.
According to a cabinet decision on the May 21, bars and restaurants will be permitted to sell alcoholic beverages late at night from June 1, 2020.
Estonia banned nighttime sales of alcohol between 10PM and 10AM from March 18 in all establishments. From March 24, bars and clubs were closed.
The country has been rolling out relaxation of the implemented restrictions. Accordingly alcohol will be available for sale in bars and restaurant past 10PM as of June 1st.
Other relaxations include permitting of indoor and outdoor public events, permitting re-opening of casinos and slots, permitting indoor and outdoor sporting events. All these events/ re-opening of establishments are subject to the 2+2 rule (people must come alone or in pairs and maintain 2 metre distance between others) and a maximum 50% occupancy limit. Occupancy is further limited to 50 people in indoor public events and casinos/slots, 100 people in outdoor public events and 500 people in indoor sporting events and 1000 people in outdoor sporting events.
Considering the COVID-19 pandemic is still an ongoing threat it is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to restrict access to alcohol. Lifting alcohol restrictions may result in increasing risk of COVID-19 infections in Estonia as alcohol is known to weaken the immune system and is linked with many non-communicable diseases (NCDs).