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GAPC 2020

Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland, United States

The 6th Global Alcohol Policy Conference 2020 (GAPC 2020) will be held in Dublin, Ireland, March 9 - 11, 2020. ​Movendi International supports GAPC 2020...

Official Conference for EWAC 2013

Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland, United States

Alcohol is a leading cause of cancer The Irish Cancer Society in partnership with the Association of European Cancer Leagues, will host the Official Conference for the European Week Against Cancer in the Aviva stadium Dublin. This conference will bring together the best international evidence and public policies that can reduce the risk of cancer.... Read more »

Cities Against Poverty 2013

Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland, United States

Cities Against Poverty The World Alliance of Cities Against poverty organizes its 8th World Forum of Cities against poverty to give each of us an opportunity to launch a new mission and movement to address the global inequality and poverty that diminishes our common humanity. Over 400 people from all corners of the globe will gather... Read more »