The 148th session of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization is convened virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic.
January 19 – 26, 2021
Find all the documentation here.
Several agenda items relate to alcohol harm and policy solutions. Therefore, Movendi International made statements on the following agenda items.
Addressing agenda item 6: Political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
January 21, 2021
Official Movendi International Statement delivered by Maik Dünnbier, Director of Strategy and Advocacy, on behalf of Movendi International.
- Our statement, as delivered in a shorter, one-minute version (PDF)
Addressing agenda item 14.3: Mental health preparedness and response for the COVID-19 pandemic
January 20, 2021
Official Movendi International Statement by Maik Dünnbier, Director of Strategy and Advocacy, on behalf of Movendi International.
- Our statement could not be delivered but was circulated to WHO Member States.
Addressing agenda item 16: Social determinants of health
January 22, 2021
Official Movendi International Statement delivered by Maik Dünnbier, Director of Strategy and Advocacy, on behalf of Movendi International.
- Our statement, as delivered in a shorter, one-minute version (PDF)