Almost done! Our new website is now under final development, and we are still working out some bugs and finalizing the content. If you have any issues, send an e-mail to Maik!

Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) 41st Annual Conference

The annual conference of the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) will, once again, take place virtually and be open to all. ECL members, invited guests and stakeholders in the cancer community are warmly invited to tune in live for ECL's 41st annual conference on 15 November between 10:00 -12:00 CET.

ECL Webinar on Alcohol & Cancer

This webinar is organized by the European Cancer Leagues as part of a series of webinars focusing on the messages of the European Code Against Cancer (ECAC) and to mark Awareness Week on Alcohol Related Harm (AWARH). 

Cancer Control in Europe: Finding Sustainable Solutions

This is the Final Conference of the Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer (iPAAC) and is organized by the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) and the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL).